Connective Tissue

In seamless transitions

The layers weave deep

Through me to beyond

My cells, tendons, blood creep

As if baby bellies to the earth

As if soft bodied amebas

swimming with unseen

What is separate, what is mine?

What enmeshment with divine,

am I birthed?

How to home sensations to belong

Embodied in this beWilding place

How to nurture, make parts strong

Yet receptive to surrender’s Grace

In seamless connectivity

cartilage, ligament to bone

The layers touch, yield, sweep

Moving matrix of my own

Through seas of infinite complexity

May the Web-of-Life within

Remind me here of where I swim

Within the sacred diversity

Never separate, never alone

Stretched, shaped, swirled

Pushed, pulled, grown

Squished, swelled, curled

Joy of Infinite Aliveness shown

With connective tissue view

**inspired by Nia 5stages class by Helen Terry with

Focus on connective tissue—

“Connective tissue is a substance that transmits information and binds, or connects, things.

It comes in many forms. Tendons and ligaments are connective tissue; cartilage is connective tissue; muscles are wrapped in connective tissue. Even blood is a connective tissue." Helen Terry

Photo by Emily Jane Mockett “Seastack” Ruby Beach, WA coast

long exposure emphasizes the seamless connectivity of river to ocean, sand to rock, sky to sea, shades of gray


The Midwife


Blue Zones