
What is my shelter

When shifting plans

Subvert my castle

Handmade of sand

All that is built, lovingly kept

Measured, crossstacked

Crumbling, windswept

Structures once held,

All taken back

Where is my home?

Changing nuclear states

Child, to twentysome to mom

Elder on my own?

Wild estates?

Adjusting me, reshaped

May I adapt my shelter

May I sense my homing

As life swirls me off kilter

Changing me, renewed

May I feel my belonging

May I know thy maker

As LIFE through me—

A song, quantum quaker

All that has sheltered

Dissolves in my hand

Opens me, exposing my elements—

My strength in vulnerability

My trust in the unseen

My love within the impermanence

My surrender in the flow

May my attunement be for homing

A state of being over place

Wherever I walk on this earth

May I create shelter with Grace


Meaning Makers

